Friday, January 11, 2008

Extended holiday

I hope no one minded that I took a little time off for the holidays. Christmas does start earlier and earlier each year, doesn’t it?

Ok…so really I have just been lazy and made the mistake of putting “blog for Stella” on the to-do list, right next to rake the yard, shred the pile of old credit card bills, and list the girls baby stuff on Craigslist. Generally, if something is put on a to-do list in my house, it will never get done. I have always had a problem with procrastination and authority. I don’t like that a piece of paper is telling me what to do and I really don’t like doing it within the time parameters of said piece of paper. By the by, none of the things I mentioned have been done and that list was created in October. In yo’ face lined sheet of paper!

So, what have I been up to? Not making any new product, for one thing. What with toddler twins, a full-time job and requisite 9-10 hours of sleep per night, I simply did not have the ability to pull myself off of the couch (also throw in there The Biggest Loser, Jon & Kate plus Eight, and HGTV as sources of time/brain function loss).

I may not have done anything productive in craft cyberspace lately but I did start a new job in October as a health policy analyst. It is at the same association as my old job but on a much hipper floor (must be why no one talks to me or says bless you when I sneeze) and in a much better department. Best part…the title. I am a health policy analyst. I analyze health policy. Sounds smart and important. Well it is. And I am.

All right…meat and potatoes part. I guess that since this blog is supposed to showcase my nursery art, I should display some. Here’s one. It is titled “Behold the Great Spotted Elephant.”

Now isn’t that better than any licensed character?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

well hello, stella. :)

i finally saw john and kate plus eight and i love it. i'm hooked! they are playing non stop so i'm catching up!

i love the spotted elephant. he is adorable.